Cold war Kick

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  • #5002

    Its a shame we cant import the ‘kick inactive player’ mode Cold War has, if you stay in one spot tooooo long then, boom, gone, see ya next round…and even mod it further if you put the same clays in the same spot over and over, your team gets nuked. Ahh yet another, if you are the last guy and more than 80m from the bomb site or bomb, then time speeds up so that the team doesn’t have to endure a lifetime of watching you not move towards the objective. NOODLE MOD THIS QUICKLY PLEASE. Also make it so that if you mumble aimlessly, at a very low volume so no one understands you, the server will send a shock back through your headset to wake you up enough so we can at least understand what you are droning on about.

    OK, thats my soapbox, ill post again in 6 months

    Kill ya later.

    The HSV


    LOL I wonder who this is about? But I’m the only on going to B and I need some help there. I’m claying outside the tunnel and the A entrance.

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